المكتب الإعلامي الفلسطيني في أوروبا

Israeli forces continue systematic crimes in the occupied Palestinian territory

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (25 – 31 May 2017)

Israeli forces continue systematic crimes in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)

(25 – 31 May 2017)

· 7 Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip were wounded during activities supporting the Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli jails.

· Israeli forces continued to target the Gaza Strip border area.

– A fisherman was wounded in the northern Gaza Strip.

· Israeli forces conducted 31 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and 7 limited ones in Jerusalem.

– 53 civilians, including 6 children, were arrested.

– 26 of them, including 2 children, were arrested in Jerusalem, while 5 others, including 3 children, were arrested during peaceful protests.

· Israeli forces continued settlement activities in the West Bank.

– Dozens of settlers moved into Helwa valley neighbourhood in Silwan village and threw stones at houses.

· Israeli forces continued to target the Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip Sea.

· Israeli forces turned the West Bank into cantons and continued to impose the illegal closure on the Gaza Strip for the 10th year.

– Dozens of temporary checkpoints were established in the West Bank and others were re-established to obstruct the movement of Palestinian civilians.

– 2 civilians were arrested at military checkpoints in the West Bank.


Israeli violations of international law and international humanitarian law in the oPt continued during the reporting period (25-31 May 2017).


During the reporting period, Israeli forces wounded 8 Palestinian civilians, all of whom were wounded at the border area in the Gaza Strip. Moreover, Israeli navy forces continued to chase and open fire at Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip sea. In the West Bank, Israeli forces continued to use force against peaceful protests, but no casualties were reported.

In the West Bank, the majority of the West Bank cities witnessed protests in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in the Israeli jails. Israeli forces used force against these protests and other protests against the annexation wall and settlement activities. As a result, dozens of Palestinian civilians fainted because of tear gas inhalation. No casualties were reported.

In the Gaza Strip, the border area witnessed protests supporting the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in the Israeli jails and rejecting the illegal closure imposed on the Gaza Strip. Israeli forces used force to disperse the protestors, due to which, 8 civilians, including a child, were wounded. Seven of them were hit with live bullets and one was hit with a metal bullet.

In the context of Israeli attacks on fishermen in the sea, on 26 May 2017, Israeli gunboats stationed in the sea, northwest of Beit Lahia village, north of the Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire at fishing boats sailing within the allowed area and chased them. Similar attacks recurred in the same area on 27 and 29 May 2017. No casualties were reported.

On the same day, Israeli navy forces stationed off Gaza Port opened fire at the Palestinian fishing boats sailing within 4 nautical miles.

Concerning attacks on the border area, on 29 May 2017, Israeli forces stationed in watchtowers around al-Mentar (Karni) crossing, east of al-Shuja’iya, east of Gaza City, opened fire at agricultural lands. However, neither casualties nor material damage were reported.

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