Presidential spokesman says Israel destroys any chance of peace

Presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudainah Wednesday said the Israeli government continues to “destroy any chance of resuming the peace process”.
Abu Rudainah’s statement came in response to remarks made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in which he pledged more settlement construction in the West Bank.
He said these remarks “prove to the international community once again that Israel still lays obstacles and destroys any chance of resuming the peace process.”
“They pose a challenge to the US administration and its efforts to create the right atmosphere for a serious political process,” Abu Rudainah said. “It also constitutes an outspoken challenge to the entire international community, which recognized the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.”
“If Netanyahu does not consider the 1967 war an occupation, and then what is the point of launching a political process? Why launch negotiations? And on what basis will they be?”
He said such remarks constitute a challenge to the UN Security Council’s latest resolution on settlements, voted by all the world’s nations, including the United States which did not veto the resolution.
“The international community’s non-recognition of the Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, proves that the Palestinian cause is firm and that the Palestinian people will not be defeated.”

Source: (WAFA)

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