Dr. Saeb Erekat: We Totally Reject the Israeli Allegations about Palestinian Official Incitement

We totally reject the Israeli allegations about Palestinian official incitement. Unlike the Israeli government, we are a leadership committed to the two-state solution and the full implementation of international law. Every time that there is a chance for peace, Israel tries to deviate attention by inventing new excuses, such as allegations of incitement. Israel has constantly refused to activate the trilateral committee on incitement (Palestine-Israel-United States) given that incitement and glorification of terror have been a longstanding policy by this extremist government. For example, only last April Mr. Netanyahu inaugurated a hospital after the name of Mr. Yitzkak Shamir, a chief terrorist responsible for the killing of hundreds of civilians, including ordering the assassination of the UN Mediator Count Folke Bernadotte from Sweden. We call upon the Israeli government to stop trying to find excuses to perpetuate its illegal colonial settlement occupation and systematic denial of Palestinian rights. Instead, it should work to fully end its 50-year military occupation towards achieving a just and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine.

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