Israeli forces detain 9 Palestinians in West Bank raids

اعتقال طفل
RAMALLAH, October 19, 2016 (WAFA) – Israeli forces detained nine Palestinians, including a minor, during overnight raids across a number of West Bank districts, said Palestine Prisoner’s Society in a press statement on Wednesday.

Forces detained two Palestinians, including a 14-year-old minor, after storming and ransacking their family homes in the Bethlehem town of Nahhalin in the southern West Bank.

In the central West Bank, forces raided the Ramallah town of Beit Rima, detaining a Palestinian.

Meanwhile, two Palestinians were detained during an overnight raid into the Tulkarem refugee camp of Nour Shams in the northern West Bank.

Elsewhere in the northern West Bank, Israeli troops raided the Nablus town of Madama and detained two Palestinians.

Two other Palestinians were detained as troops broke into their family homes in the northern West Bank city of Qalqiliya.

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