Palestine News Report 17-6-2017

By: Walid Zaher

Israeli forces Saturday detained three Palestinians in the Hebron area, in addition to a youth for his alleged involvement in a stabbing attack near Bethlehem. Read more at:

Palestinian residents of a Ramallah-area village where three Palestinians were shot dead by police in Jerusalem clashed Saturday with Israeli soldiers, who cordoned off the village since shortly the attack, village sources said. Read more at:

The Israeli police shooting and killing of three Palestinians in East Jerusalem was the front page highlight of the Saturday issue of the three Palestinian Arabic dailies. Read more at:

PLO Executive Committee Member Hanan Ashrawi strongly condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s demand to shut down the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
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Israeli forces have issued a new demolition notice to Mahmood Al-Jarmi, the head teacher of a Bedouin school near the city of Jericho, north of the West Bank, which is attended by children from various Bedouin communities located in Area C. Read more at:

In response to media inquiries regarding Israeli efforts to expel Deputy Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and the Humanitarian Coordinator for OPT Robert Piper, PLO Executive Committee Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi said “Israel insists on escalating its language of threat and intimidation against anyone who dares reveal the truth about the oppressive policies of the toxic occupation.”
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After Israeli authorities revoked permits for Palestinians to enter Jerusalem and Israel in response to a deadly attack in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, Israeli police rounded up hundreds of Palestinians in Jerusalem on Saturday in a mass arrest campaign targeting Palestinians without Israeli permission to be in the city.
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Following a deadly attack in occupied East Jerusalem on Friday, Israeli authorities have revoked permits issued to Palestinians to enter Jerusalem and Israel, while Israeli forces raided and put the occupied West Bank village of Deir Abu Mashal, the home of the three Palestinian attackers, under complete lockdown — sparking clashes that left at least three Palestinians shot and injured.
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Israeli authorities notified the Palestinian Authority (PA) that five Palestinian cities — Ramallah, Hebron, Tulkarem, Jenin, and Qalqiliya — will be permitted to expand into Area C — the more than 60 percent of the occupied West Bank under full Israeli control, Israeli media reported on Friday.
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Israeli forces raided a number of Palestinian villages in the northern occupied West Bank district of Jenin on Friday evening, declaring the areas “closed military zones,” according to locals.
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Israeli police reported on Friday evening that an attack took place outside the Damascus Gate entrance to the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem, saying that one Israeli police officer was critically injured and later succumbed to her wounds, while the three attackers — who police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld referred to as “Arab terrorists” — were shot dead.
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Israeli soldiers invaded, late on Friday at night, Deir Abu Mashal village, west of Ramallah, after besieging it for several hours, leading to clashes with local youngsters, before shooting three Palestinians with live rounds, and causing many to suffer the effects of teargas inhalation.
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Israeli soldiers attacked, Friday, the weekly nonviolent protest against the Annexation Wall and Colonies, in Kufur Qaddoum, east of Qalqilia, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, causing at least ten to suffer the severe effects of tear gas inhalation.
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Israeli soldiers attacked, Friday, many Palestinian, Israeli and international peace activists, holding the weekly nonviolent protest against the Annexation Wall and colonies, in Ni’lin village, west of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, and abducted one Palestinian.
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Packed room on Capitol Hill hears Palestinian student say he thought three IDs and a separation wall was normal for children everywhere

By Jesse Rubin

“I grew up imagining that all the children in the world grew up having a similar a type of life,” biochemistry student Yazan Meqbil recounted last week to a packed Congressional briefing in Washington, D.C. about growing up in the West Bank. “[I thought] they all have teargas, bullets and checkpoints; they need to have three IDs and I don’t know how many passports to walk around; they need to see the separation wall whenever they go to another city; they have to lose friends or be detained; or grow up with a father [in jail].”
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The Jewish Defense League stalwart smearing Linda Sarsour

By Michael Sidman

On May 25, Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind joined some of America’s most notorious hate-mongers to protest against Muslim-American activist Linda Sarsour’s then-forthcoming CUNY commencement speech, which took place on May 31. Hikind rubbed elbows with Milo Yiannopoulos and Pam Geller — both avowed Islamophobes, and the former disgraced after appearing to condone pedophilia — in order to “expose” Sarsour as the anti-Semite he so wants us to believe she is. But for Hikind and his friends, Sarsour is an anti-Semite for one reason alone: she is Palestinian.
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The Palestinian minority inside Israel is our last chance for freedom

By Rida Abu Rass

Palestinians living inside Israel have dealt with a “one-state solution” for 69 years. The next step in the Palestinian demand for freedom should be to expand their civil struggle for equal rights on behalf of Palestinians everywhere, writes Rida Abu Rass.
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Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (08 – 14 June 2017) … Israeli forces continue systematic crimes in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)
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